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用"technical diffusion"造句"technical diffusion"怎么读"technical diffusion" in a sentence


  • 技术扩散


  • As such , this was a process of technical diffusion
  • Li this chapter , firstly , briefly describe the concept of fdi and new direction to investigate the influence of fdi on economy of host countries ; secondly , investigate the effect of fdi on international technology transfer and technical diffusion of host countries
  • But introduction of transnational corporations " technology is not very effective . guided by classic theory on technology transfer , the paper tries to make a thorough study of the limitations to china ' s technical progress resulting from transnational corporations " direct investment : the inadequacy of macro policy of government and key technology lock of transnational corporations limit the technical input of transnational corporations ; more importantly , inner inadequacy of enterprises and market in china limit the technical diffusion of transnational corporations , which are discussed in detail through existing scale , technical level , property right structure , element and product market
  • After analysis on the process of technical innovation diffusion , it introduces the diffusion pattern of technical innovation , points out that different pattern is lies in the different choice of research angle , the different type enterprise has its own effective technical diffusion pattern that most suits it ; at the same time it also proposes in the diffusion system which factors are affecting the technical innovation diffusion
  • Governments should exert their macro - regulation function to establish more efficient extension systems for agricultural techniques , and to select proper extension ways according to local conditions . setting up risk mechanisms for whole agriculture , enhancing technical diffusion , improving farmers " behavioral environment and guiding them properly , were also effective ways to promote the acceptance of new techniques
  • It further discusses the operation mechanism of the system of agrotechnical diffusion and indicates that the essence of technical diffusion is information diffusion , and the system depends on the course which information flows from the fountainhead to the receivers . and it analyzed the ingredients which influence the information flowing in the system . intruding shannon ’ s information
  • Chapter four : in order to make empirical research on technology transfer of foreign invested enterprise , i investigated 39 ' s foreign invested enterprises in beijing economic - technological development area ( bda ) , analyzed the " motivation of technology transfer , way and meaning of technology transfer and present situation of technical diffusion by results of investigation , here are main findings ; ( 1 ) during technology transfer between foreign - invested enterprise in bda and parent companies of foreign investment , most enterprises perform technology transfer through inner ways of enterprises and open ways
    关于外国直接投资对东道国企业所带来的技术转移效果所进行的研究可分为两种。其一,外国直接投资带来了东道国的技术扩散效应;其二,外国直接投资对东道国企业的技术扩散没有特别的效应。针对前者所进行的有代表性的研究有blomstrom ( 1989 ) 、 romer ( 1992 ) 、 kokko ( 1994 )等;针对后者所进行的研究有cantwell ( 1989 ) 、 haddad ( 1993 )等。
  • This article takes the basic of agrotechnical diffusion as the main line , regards the whole system of agrotechnical diffusion as a dynamic consecutive course , and divided the course into three sub - systems , viz . science and technological innovation , technical diffusion and technical application . the contact of the three depends on the flow of information in different course in the whole system
用"technical diffusion"造句  


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